


  • 招聘部门不限
  • 招聘人数1人
  • 学历要求大专
  • 工作经验6年以上
  • 性别要求
  • 年龄要求30岁-45岁


2008-06-11 分享领佣金 收藏
  • 职位发布者
  • 罗曼

    021******25 [ 查看 ]





  • 职位简介
  • 公司简介
     法国联合模具亚太有限公司是一家以贸易为主的外商独资公司,主要经营注塑模具在中国的采购,出口到欧洲市场。产品主要在浙江生产出口欧洲,鉴于我公司正在不断的扩大发展,特招一名高级模具工程师。

     在开发模具的过程中,负责开发的整个过程跟踪,包括模具的设计一直到模具的出口。
     在做模的过程中很好的协助中国供应商,为制造提供技术支持,模具验收,准备出口等等。
     维护并提高现有产品生产工艺。(如产品细节及跟进能力)
     在不久的将来,有能力可以组织一个团队来协助监督整个流程。

     5-7年以上模具设计相关工作经验,对注塑模具部件的结构,性能,材料有比较深入的了解
     熟练使用2D,3D设计软件(UG, pro-e, Auto CAD)和办公Excel ,Word 等软件
     很好的管理能力
     工作勤奋,积极主动,责任心强,很好的专业沟通能力
     较好的英语和中文(口语和笔试

    Description of the company:
     Unimold Asia is a French trading company specialized in plastic injection mould, We work closely with some mould factories from China Zhejiang to produce and export plastic injection mould to Europe. As we are in a period of fast expanding, we are looking for a native Chinese engineer to assist us during the process.

    Description of the job:
     Follow up the whole mould process. From the design to the shipment.
     Assist and follow the suppliers during the processing of the mould. (Give technical solution, adjust the leadtime, check the quality, try the mould, check the pieces and help to adjust the mould, prepare for export).
     Maintain and improve existing production processes.
     In the near future, create and manage a team to assist the follow up of the productions.

    Competencies and qualifications required:
     5 to 7 years minimum experience in the plastic injection mould field as a mould maker/engineer.
     Being familiar with 2D and 3D design computer software (UG, Pro-e, AutoCAD…) + Excel and Word.
     Good management skill
     Hardworking, preciseness, strong sense of responsibility, pre-decisional communication skills.
     Chinese and English (spoken and written)
     Driving license

    The location of the job will be in Huangyan.
    Send us your CV by email and we can interview in Shanghai or in Huangyan.
  • 防骗提醒:在求职过程中用人单位以任何名义向应聘者收取费用都属于违法行为(如押金、资料费、保证金等),请应聘者提高警惕!
  • 该公司所有职位
  • 行业
  • 互联网、电子商务
  • 性质
  • 外资企业
  • 规模
  • 少于50人
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